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Emerald Pot Rentals

Emerald Pot Rentals introduced April 2nd /2020

[Updated April 3rd]

Hotfix April 3rd: After observing Emerald Pots out in the wild we found the increased time was a bit too generous causing players to progress quicker than intended. We've reduced the time per ad and the the max time to help balance this progression. We will continue monitoring Emerald Pots and player interactions. 
WARNING: Players who had over 5hrs at time of change and watch another AD will be reduced to 5hrs.

  • Time per ad reduced from 2 hours to 1 hour.
  • Max time reduced from 8 hours to 5 hours. 

These new green pots give players even more options to speed up plant grow time and react quickly during contests and game progression. 

To rent your Emerald Pots go into the grow op and find a regular pot (not a Gold pot) and click on the Emerald Pot icon on the left side. 

After a short video you now have 1 hour of premium grow.

Need to add more time? Watch some more videos to add to your time limit to a max of 5 hours.