Here are some quick and helpful hints on how to play Grass Roots overall!
- There are lots of ways to get more Pot Bucks in Grass Roots!
- Every time you Level up you will get a certain amount of Pot Bucks. The amount varies from Level to Level.
- Pot Bucks are just one of the Random Rewards you could get for squashing Spider Mites. (You can also squash Spider Mites when you visit your Friends!)
- You can buy different amounts of Pot Bucks for real currency. (Click on the green and black plus symbol to the right of your Pot Buck count at the top of your screen to see what Pot Buck offers there are for you to choose from.)
- You can watch video ads, or complete surveys or offers accessible via the golden fountain in the bottom left-hand corner of your farm.
- When you help friends, Pot Bucks are one of the Random Rewards you could get!
To make it further faster in our game, you need to:
- Plant and harvest as many seeds as you can
- Help other players by watering their plants and buying their items
- Complete all the Quests available to you
- Complete as many jobs as you can
- Sell as much as you can from your Stash and Storage in your Dispensary (unlocked at LVL 7)
- To make your Plants as happy as they can be, be sure to:
- Water them! Your water regenerates automatically and the Water icon will appear on a plant when the attached Water Pump is ready. (TIP: Have your Water Pumps as high as you can by upgrading them.)
- Ask a friend to help you! Tap a pot that has a plant in it, and the info window on that plant will open up. At the very bottom, you will see the red/white exclamation point that says "Ask a Friend for Help". Once you have sent out the Help request, you will see a grey/white exclamation mark on the left hand side of your pot; this means you are waiting for a friend to help you. When a Friend helps you out, you will see their profile pic on the pot - click the pot again to get the Happiness!
- Have your Grow Lights and watering tool upgraded as high as you can!
- For quick happy growth, you can Guano your plant!
Hopefully this quick introduction helps you out! Thanks for playing Grass Roots with us!