This article covers the most common issues players encounter with Floydslist:
- Items are already sold (simultaneous purchases)
- Slow loading times
- Higher prices than expected (Floyd's Tax)
Simultaneous Purchases
Sometimes, when two or more players buy the same item at the same time from another player's dispensary, the animations of the item being purchased will play for all purchasing players. This is because it can be difficult for the game to rectify a tie between the purchasing players. It's important to note that the only way coins are deducted will be if you are in fact the player who received the items being purchased. If you did not receive the item(s), you can rest assured that your coins were not deducted! Usually in this instance the "Items Already Sold" message appears, but sometimes this message may not appear if the timing was really close!
Slow Loading Times
It's true, loading Dispensaries can sometimes feel pretty slow! This is mostly thanks to the fact that each farm contains a rather large amount of data, which can take longer to load on some devices and networks. For the best possible performance when visiting other players' farms, ensure you're on a strong, stable Wi-Fi connection.
Conflicting Dispensary Prices/Floyd's Tax
To put it simply, the price you see in your own Dispensary will be different from what other players see when visiting your shop. Likewise, what you see in another player's dispensary is different than what that player sees in their own dispensary. The reason for this is a little thing we call Floyd's Tax! This small tax Floyd charges is to help the coin economy from inflating to the point that it is no longer challenging or fun!