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Adding Friends, Cannot see friends, Friends list not populating!

To Populate the friends list in Budbook, a few conditions must be met:

  • You have to be friends on Facebook 
  • Both you and your friend have to have Pot Farm: Grass Roots installed on Android. (Players of Pot Farm:Grass Roots on Android cannot interact in the game with players of Bud Farm:Grass Roots on iOS)
  • Both you and your friends have to have the game connected to Facebook
    for detailed steps to connect your facebook account please visit this article: CONNECTING TO FACEBOOK


If a Facebook acquaintance becomes abusive in any way you can add them to the restricted list, giving them limited access to your posts on Facebook. This may be especially handy if you've only added them as a friend for the purpose of Playing Bud Farm: Grass Roots together! Please visit this link to discover more about Facebook's restricted lists:
How do I add someone to my Restricted list?

To find more friends playing Pot Farm: Grass Roots on Android, visit our fan page on Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/potfarmGrassRoots