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What is the GIFT BOX?

The Gift Box temporarily holds items that are awarded to you from Floyd, Zeke, and placing in Karma Contests!

gift_box.pngYou can access your Gift Box on your farm's home screen as long as there are items in it. It's the purple icon with the gold ribbon on the left side of your screen.

Keep in mind that the Gift Box is not meant to be used as storage, like your Shed. Each item held in your Gift Box must be claimed within 30 days after first being received. If they remain unclaimed after their 30 day expiration date, then those items will no longer be claimable.


Too many items being held in your Gift Box at any one time can lead to slow game performance or even crashing. Also, keeping too many items in your Gift Box may cause some of them to disappear before their 30 day expiration date is up! You'll want to make sure that you keep track of item expiration dates to avoid losing out on some cool items.

We recommend that players keep a maximum of 30 items in their Gift Box at any given time to ensure game stability.