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How do I gain MASTERY of my plants?

Attaining Mastery (especially Level 5) can be really tough, and requires a fair bit of work and patience in order to achieve.  To build your Mastery, we recommend you focus on planting the strains you wish to master in your pot(s) with the most upgraded lights and water pumps -- the higher level they are, the more buds you will receive! You'll also need to keep a very close eye on that pot, and ensure you're watering it on time. 

There is always a little luck associated with growing plants (just like real life!), so you might need to try a few times before you grow the best plant possible. Just keep planting!

Overall, these are the most important factors in achieving Mastery:

  • Max plant happiness (water on time, or use guano)
  • Fully upgraded pumps
  • Fully upgraded lights
  • A little bit of luck

Good luck growing! You'll be a Master in no time.